made a nice little guide for our female lurkers on how to reply to men
when they disagree with you. Feel free to save for East reference.
1. Say their penis is small
2. Say they need to "man up"
3. Ask them "Who hurt you?"
4. Say they only believe what they are arguing for because they are "insecure"
5. Say "a REAL man would [insert what you want the man to say, do, or believe]"
6. Say they are scared of you because you are a "STRONG, INDEPENDENT WOMEN", and say that it "intimidates" them.
If ALL else fails, refer to the following:
1. If it was a DM argument, screenshot ONLY the parts that make you seem favorable and post it on social media to rally your simps.
2. If it was a public back-and-forth, tell everyone "I only said what I said because he was being mean and I felt extremely threatened", this way, even if you are COMPLETELY 100% wrong and were ACTUALLY the one being the dick, social media will still rally behind you because you have a cunt between your legs.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to ACTUALLY engage in logical debate, because 98% of the time he will completely wipe the floor, and the other 2% of the time you will get overly angry and quit responding. I hope this guide has been helpful for females out there looking to "defeat the patriarchy" and things of that nature.
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