I saw a post on the AskTRP sub yesterday.
it a man described stumbling upon on evidence that his LTR had cheated
on him ruthlessly a couple years back. So what did he do? He dropped her
instantly. Good move on his part.
I don't advocate snooping around emails and social media to dig up
possible dirt I will say he did the right thing by confronting her and
kicking her to the curb.
in his post someone dropped a comment titled "Be like Pete" and I
clicked it. It took me to an archived post from 2016 on the
Relationships sub in which a woman had posted that she got dumped for
suggesting to her then BF that she was going to visit in an Ex in
another country.
Lessons learned:
abundance Mentality: Pete gave no fucks. He knew he could find another
chick and didn't care about spending the last 6 months with her. It's
easy to drop a girl for bad behavior if you have an abundance mindset
aka the confidence in knowing you can easily find more woman. A beta in
scarcity mindset would convince himself to keep a bad woman around for
fear of being alone.
-Never keep a
woman in your life who would even suggest visiting an Ex. It's a huge
red flag but she also tried to spin it on him saying he was abusive for
not thinking she should do it.
don't want to be friends with good looking women. She honestly thought
her ex was just platonic and yet the moment she told him she got dumped
he said "great now we can bang." (Paraphrasing that)
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