
Is  a confederation of a bunch of smallish nations referred to as “Subreddits”. Federal law is negligible, with each Subreddit remaining largely autonomous from each other. The size of each Subreddit varies, with the largest (r/funny) having over 20 million citizens, though a person may be a citizen of as many Subreddits as they want. Subreddits, while they all adhere to federal laws, can have rivalries or even full scale wars. The development and culture of Subreddits also varies, with some being heavily urbanised centres of progress while others can be blasted sparsely-populated wastelands.

The currency of Reddit is known as “karma”, which Redditors (citizens of Reddit) can award to fellow citizens in exchange for a service. The primary service can vary from subreddit to subreddit, but most subreddits deal in memes.


Is a small urbanised city-state. It is a Unitary Republic, with no subdivisions. The entire country is a massive city that likes to think they specialise in researching technical questions, but spend most of their time answering questions like “What if Quora was a website?”. They are a close knit community, for the most part, with various “topics” being dominated by a handful of Quorans (a term for a citizen of Quora). Quora is largely managed by various Artificial Intelligences, which keep the peace and help the authorities distribute punishment, though they are far from perfect and often malfunction.


Is an anarchist paradise. Federal control is all but non-existent, and even board-level (the 4chan equivalent of state) control is unreliable at best. 4chan is an inhospitable Fallout-style wasteland dominated by loose clans known as “boards”, each with its own culture, organisation and beliefs. Despite its borderline-anarchist nature, there is a very clear hierarchy based off age, with “oldfags” (the 4chan term for clan elders) at the top and “newfags” (4chan term for young or recent immigrant) at the bottom. newfags are generally barred from participating in anything, though like everything in 4chan this is more of a suggestion. 4chan has no way of telling the age of a citizen since their culture prizes anonymity (even referring to each other as anons) and even if they do know will often tolerate it. However, if a newfag offends an oldfag, they will be told to “lurk moar” for a few years.

Despite its anarchist nature, 4chan is one of the most powerful countries on the planet. They are considered the greatest source of memes (the universal currency of Planet Internet), their reach is vast and terrifying and they are capable of manipulating other countries to their favour.

People from all over the world come to 4chan to conduct less than savoury business. 4chan is often considered the gateway to the terrifying underworld of Planet Internet known as the Dark Web.


Is a small and failing socialist dictatorship. A long time ago, Tumblr was known for being a major cultural centre for “normies”. They had a decent amount of political influence through this, and could use it to bully other countries into obeying their self-righteous laws. They also dealt in weird fanart and porn. But since then the country has fallen on tough times. After losing a series of wars against 4chan, the country declined. A recent loss of major industries also didn’t help. Tumblr is largely a ghost of what it once was. Many citizens left the country, taking up refugee status in other parts of the world.


Is the scamming capital of the world. They use tricks and manipulation to entice people into deals, which they later come to regret. Despite being politically aligned with Tumblr, the two countries despise each other. In fact, everybody seems to despise Buzzfeed. Due to sanctions the country has also declined in influence.


is a major trade capital. The memes must flow, and ones that cannot be handled by other countries go through Youtube. The community is basically non-existent, with all relations being purely business based. Youtube is a unitary dictatorship, with the federal government being notoriously unpopular.


Is one of the most important industrial countries in the world. All sorts of valuable infrastructure and non-meme goods are produced here and exported all over the rest of the world. The citizens of Steam work to improve and test the vast array of products the country produces. A lot of the citizens are deeply religious. They follow the Cult of Gaben, Emperor of the PC Master Race, which worships the nation’s founder as an immortal god.

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