They are very demanding on men

Watching American girls, you can easily see that they were brought up on Disney cartoons. Like every other local girl inspired with the example of Cinderella, Snow White and Ariel, she waits for her prince and makes great demands on real down-to-earth future husbands.
American women most frequently get married after the age of 30. The status of a married woman doesn’t refer to their long-cherished desires. It’s very important for them to find out how good their significant other is and how compatible they are with each other before marriage.
Their approach towards marriage is practical, rational and informed. American girls think that they should rather build a family in adulthood, having the stable source of income and needed material goods than in their youth when they are most likely to divorce.
By the way, American society doesn’t accuse a woman of her unmarried status. They don’t make a cult of it.

Feminism and desire to be "independent"

Since they are born, the canons of feminism and liberalism are being instilled in local girls.
A desire to be independent and a proverbial “gender equality” are off the scale in the US. Sometimes absurd incidents occur because of that. For example, when a man holds the door open for a woman, she may well end up making a scene and accusing him of sexism.
And if a man puts his hand on woman’s shoulder at a date, it might be perceived as sexual harassment. One of the main dating tips for those who want to date an American woman is that you shouldn’t touch her without permission.
That’s why American men who are tired of their strong and independent female compatriots often divorce them and go on a vacation to South-East Asian countries where women are still girly.

The appearance of an American woman

Feminist values contribute to their refusal to take care of their appearance. They believe that people should accept them for who they are, even if they don’t put on a makeup, have greasy hair and look untidy wearing shapeless clothes. You probably would not be interested in marriage to such girls.
They are uninhibited. That’s why their favorite clothes are oversized t-shirts, jeans, shorts and shoes without heels and the classic models of purses. You can easily meet a woman wearing a pajama in US supermarkets.
An average local woman usually does without daytime makeup and face masks. She can make an exception only when she goes out to parties.
American women prefer simple hairstyles. As a rule, their hair has medium length. In everyday life they put their hair in a messy bun and tie it with the help of elastic band. They also often leave their hair down. It looks weird and not neat.

American woman’s body shape

The American notion of non-interference in private life is undoubtedly commendable. Nevertheless, it doesn’t work to the benefit of local women. The absence of reasonable criticism contributes to women’s inability to adequately assess themselves, which leads to the fact that their bodies look sometimes shapeless. A lot of local men divorce their wives because of that. Are you interested in marriage to such females?
It’s rare to see a woman with beautiful curves because of the abundance of quick snacks and junk food which they consume.
And besides being in bad shape they often ruin their health. Physical exercise, healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyle as a whole don’t sit too well with women who live in the USA.
Nevertheless, ladies who do their own business strive to look good. They follow strict diets and regularly engage in sports.

American females aren’t afraid of divorce

Many local women become thoughtful and loving mothers, gorgeous wives and reliable life partners after marriage. Nevertheless, they aren’t terrified of divorce. If you try to impose your belief about women’s meaning and purpose of life on an American female, she will most likely wave at you and divorce you.
Women of American descent are generally self-confident persons. And when they marry a man, they don’t begin to feel vulnerable and worry about the financial consequences of probable divorce.
Every American wife can count on respect from society as a whole and particularly from her husband. Every woman who lives in the US is well aware of the fact that caring for children won’t become only her problem, if she wants to divorce. They also can count on the protection of the state in case of divorce. And in most cases American women get what they want. By the way, the divorce rate is quite high in the USA.

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